Basically u should have ur normal meal(high protein for example) 2.5-4hours before workout. And try to avoid carbs before workout, ofc u can eat those in meal before the timelimit, cos extra carbs are disadvantage for energy levels. IF u are still hungry before workout take protein shake for example. Here is some “boring” scientific stuff why that is:
First some link cause science words: If u eat lot of carbs before workout ur blood sugar levels are getting up fast, and down even faster cos of insulin. And that causes Glycogenesis, what will drop performance levels, makes u dizzy and feeling “sick”
- If u eat directly before workout, that will get ur insulin levels up and that cause:
* Lipogenesis encompasses the processes of fatty acid synthesis and subsequent triglyceride synthesis. And that means u get fat easier
*glykogenesis what splits glucose in liver and muscle decrease.
*ur liver takes more glucose.
If u decide to skip carbs:
-ur liver split glucose
- Lycogenis aint so so bad
- Lipogenesis
- Glycose levels in liver decreases, that means ur liver doesnt use glycose and all get used by muscles and rest of the body
If a haven’t eat just before workout, ur body segregate adrenaline noradrenalin better.
- better pulse.
- Better blood pressure
- Pulmonary alveolus expands
- Ur body splits glycose better in liver and muscles
- Muscle Glycolysis increases, and atp production aswell
- Lipolysis increases
- Glucagon segregate increases, same benefits as adrenaline
Summary: If u are not eating before workout its better than if u do
. Bloodsugar levels is actually better and stays higher trough workout
- Blood glucose will be used during workout and not get stored to liver, fat tissue and muscle
- fat acid usage for energy is better.
-ur body produce more adrenaline, and that increases ur trainingpower
This isn’t totally my own text, stuff was explained so well in link below, so I just did translation with additions